Three Team-Building Exercises That Can Help Your Team Grow

Team-building exercises are designed to help your team grow. The games and activities are created to build teammate relationships and support a positive company culture.

The goal of team-building exercises is to help teammates get to know, respect, and trust each other as they collaborate to achieve a desired outcome. The targeted skills include motivation, creativity, communication, and problem-solving.

Regularly organizing team-building exercises helps your team develop their skill sets and strengthen their commitment to their roles. These suggested activities can help.

Choose among these three types of team-building exercises to help your team grow.

1. Communication Exercises

Help your team to develop their communication skills with any of these exercises:

  • Blind Retriever: Divide your team into small groups. Provide each group with a blindfold. Have each group blindfold one member, then guide them to an object.
  • Building Blocks: Divide your team into pairs. Provide each pair with a pack of cards that have a different question written on each. Have your employees take turns asking and answering the questions.
  • Circle of Appreciation: Have your team form a circle. Ask each employee to share one thing they appreciate about the teammate to their left.

2. Creative Thinking Exercises

Support your team in developing their creative thinking skills with any of these exercises:

  • What’s My Name?: Provide each team member with a note card that has a famous person’s name on it. Have your team members walk around and ask each other questions to figure out each other’s person.
  • Design Battle: Divide your team into small groups. Provide each group with a product or service. Ask each group to create a poster for their offering.
  • Idea Day: Ask your team to share creative ideas to update company processes and procedures, develop new products or services, or create other business ideas. Choose the most beneficial idea to develop and implement as a team.

3. Problem-Solving Exercises

Encourage your team to develop their problem-solving skills with any of these exercises:

  • Barter Puzzle: Divide your team into small groups. Provide each group with a jigsaw puzzle that has a few pieces removed and given to other teams. Have the groups find ways to barter for the pieces needed to finish their puzzles.
  • Business Simulations: Divide your team into small groups. Provide each group with the same scenario involving a business problem, resources, and a deadline. Compare the solutions after the deadline passes.
  • Solution Day: Schedule a meeting for your team to share creative solutions to problems your company is facing.

Do You Need Help with Growing Your Team?

The goal of team-building exercises is to help your team grow. Depending on your goals, you might choose communication, creative thinking, or problem-solving exercises to enhance your team’s skill sets.

If you need help with growing your accounting and finance team, include Casey Accounting & Finance Resources in your hiring process. Get in touch with us to learn more today.