Are Your Job Descriptions Attracting the Right Accounting Talent? Let’s Review.

When was the last time you looked over your job descriptions? The best ones combine required skills and experience, company culture and other pertinent details. Ask yourself whether you have the right combination of the following elements to attract the right accounting talent.

Is the Job Title Clear?

Although unique titles such as “Financial Guru” may indicate a laid-back culture, they probably will not attract the type of professionals you are looking for. Because most candidates search for roles that match their skills and experience, using terms such as “guru” may cause your description to not show up or turn off candidates from applying. Instead, use industry-standard language that candidates search under to achieve more favorable results.

What Are the Duties?

You can determine the top five to seven requirements by interviewing employees and their supervisors, observing employees as they perform their work or referencing outside sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook. Make sure you focus on how those requirements promote growth and development within the company and how an employee’s achievements can contribute to career progression.

What Are the Relevant Details?

Be sure you mention whether the position is exempt or nonexempt, how much travel is required, what the work environment is like, and whether the employee may telecommute. Candidates need enough information to determine whether they may excel in a role and want to apply.

Did You Mention Company Culture?

Candidates need to know whether they agree with your mission, values and beliefs and will enjoy working for your organization. For instance, along with mentioning benefits, perks, and bonuses, share whether you have an on-site gym, free food, flexible schedules, remote work opportunities or other unique offerings. When possible, include photos, graphics, videos or other multimedia that shows a diverse range of employees in your company.

Did an Employee Review the Job Description?

The employee can clarify the duties and responsibilities. The supervisor can ensure the description contains accurate information about the skills and qualifications.

When Was the Job Description Reviewed?

Read the description over annually to accurately describe the job as it is being performed. Duties and responsibilities may change, along with the skills and experience required to fulfill them. The best time to update a job description is when requirements change.

Attract Top Accounting Talent With a Leading Chicago Recruitment Firm

Are you looking for top accounting professionals? Partner with the expert recruiters at Casey Accounting & Finance Resources!



5 Influential Technologies Affecting Recruiting This Year

Like most industries, recruiting is constantly changing. As new technology is introduced, the field continues to become more efficient and effective. Watch for these five influential technologies affecting recruiting in 2019.

1. Marketplaces

Marketplaces serve as a platform for employers to connect with recruiters. Due to reduced administrative requirements, vendor management and competitive placement fees, marketplaces are cost-effective. Also, having a centralized platform increases recruiter productivity and reach. Since marketplaces collect and store information on candidates’ resumes, skills, websites, LinkedIn profiles and more, hiring is more transparent and efficient. Plus, recruiters see candidates’ goals and learn more about them and what they want in their next role, which facilitates conversation and aids in proper placement.

2. Gig Economy

Recruiters face an even greater need to adopt new mobile and socially integrated communication technologies and platforms, such as Skype interviews or virtual reality video conferencing, to attract and place gig workers. Also, more HR technologies focused on worker onboarding, engagement, learning and career planning will develop.

3. Social Recruitment

Social recruitment involves clearly defined objectives and a target audience to determine which platforms are most effective in sharing a company’s job openings. For instance, visual platforms like Instagram are more suited for graphic designers and other creatives, whereas Twitter is more populated by IT and tech professionals. Also, social recruitment lets a company leverage social data to determine a candidate’s fit. For instance, Google Alerts and Radian6 let employers monitor candidates to see whether they fit with an opportunity. Additionally, many professionals engage on sites that fill both social and professional needs. For instance, Dribble is a community for designers, whereas GitHub is a platform for software developers.

4. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data to make predictions about the future. For instance, predictive analytics can consider industry, location, occupation and other elements to provide customized recommendations and get better responses to job postings. Also, predictive analytics can automate resume ranking, and shortlist and prescreen candidates, which increases the quality and diversity of new hires.

5. Artificial Intelligence

AI software programs and tools lower costs, reduce inherent biases and improve the quality of hires. Recruiters have more time to invest in fostering relationships with talent. For instance, chatbots can speed up the hiring process and enhance the candidate experience by assessing a candidate’s resume, online presence and fit with the role. Also, AI recruiting video interview platforms can evaluate the quality of a candidate’s voice, voice energy, pace of speech, use of fillers, answers, facial micro-expressions and body language. Plus, AI can determine whether a remote worker will be honest and ethical and appropriately represent the company if hired.

Contact the Seasoned Recruiters at a Leading Chicago Employment Agency

Need help filling finance positions? Contact the experienced recruiters at Casey Accounting and Finance Resources!


Increase Your Salary This Year With These Simple Tips!

Although most employees deserve a raise at various times, few actually ask for one. Employees may feel intimidated by their manager or uncomfortable talking about money. However, asking for a salary increase is an essential skill that increases your financial wellness and career success. Therefore, now is the time to learn about asking for a raise.

Understand Your Worth

For instance, focus on your responsibilities. Perhaps you lead projects or took on special initiatives that your colleagues would not. Make a list of your top accomplishments and specific ways they impacted your department and the company. Perhaps you participated in training programs to gain additional skills, brought in a significant amount of new business or became certified in your field.

Research Your Salary Range

Use market data sites such as, PayScale and Glassdoor to determine the market average of similar job listings with companies of comparable size in your geographic area that offer similar benefits. Create a spreadsheet of your findings to see how your current salary compares. If you have connections with local hiring managers or recruiters, ask them to look at your resume and provide you a realistic salary request for your position and experience. Use the numbers to justify your request.

Consider How Your Manager Will Benefit

Share your goals to enhance business and what steps you will take to achieve them. Also, ask your manager what goals they would like to see you achieve and determine how you can attain them. Finding out how you can fill their needs will place you in a more advantageous position for getting what you desire.

Prepare for Potential Outcomes

If your request is declined, ask for specific ways you can improve your performance and potentially earn more compensation. Set a time to resume the conversation in a few months. Also, if your manager cannot give you a raise due to budget restrictions, negotiate for more paid time off or other increase in benefits.

Ask at an Appropriate Time

If you ask for a raise after achieving a substantial accomplishment, during a positive performance review or before the fiscal year ends, your manager may be more inclined to grant your request. Other good times include when you take on a new project or assume a new leadership role.

Let Our Expert Recruiters Negotiate a New Job and Salary for You

When you are ready for a new job and salary, contact the professional recruiters at Casey Accounting and Finance Resources, a leading Chicago employment agency!



3 Morning Activities That Are Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity

How you spend your morning helps determine how productive you are throughout the day. When your morning begins with energy-producing activities, you are better able to decrease your stress level. Incorporate these three activities into each morning to increase your productivity throughout the day.

1. Meditate

Quieting your mind stimulates creativity, contemplation, and being in touch with yourself. Meditation also helps you relax, keeps your stress level down, and improves your focus and memory. You are better equipped to think more efficiently and effectively. Start by setting aside five minutes each morning and working up to 30 minutes. Sit up or lie down, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, refocus on your breathing. If you have trouble keeping still, look for a guided mediation online. Follow the instructions while focusing on your breathing. With practice, you will gain peace of mind and accomplish more throughout the day.

2. Eat Breakfast

Since your body gets energy from turning food into glucose, you need to start each day with a healthy meal. Plus, your metabolism is better earlier in the day, meaning your body can more easily turn the calories you eat into energy to use throughout the morning. Aim for eating within two hours of waking up so that you can capitalize on your energy stores before starting work. Include protein and healthy carbohydrates such as fruit or whole grains. Avoid donuts and other sugar-laden foods that will not sustain you.

 3. Exercise

Exercise improves circulation and releases endorphins that increase well-being and minimize pain and discomfort. Whether doing yoga at home, participating in a spin class or running around the neighborhood, you will lower your stress level and maintain energy throughout the day. Completing your exercise routine in the morning ensures it gets done while allowing time to complete your work. Plus, because exercise helps you clear your mind, you are better able to focus and make good decisions about work projects, problems and more.

Find Your Next Accounting or Finance Role Through Casey Accounting & Finance Resources

Contact Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, a staffing leader in Chicago!


Yay or Nay: Applying for a Job You’re Technically Underqualified For

Like most people, you have probably come across an amazing job opening and were disappointed to learn that you were underqualified. Perhaps the posting called for ten years’ experience, and you had only two, or for someone who managed a team of at least 50 when you managed just 15. The question is, how do you determine whether to apply for the role or look for another one?

Yay: You Have Transferable Skills

If you can demonstrate that you have transferable skills, then apply. Employers are more focused on hiring potential than an exact match. Highlight your transferable skills, knowledge, and experience in your cover letter so that the hiring manager knows you understand the position and what they are looking for. And, write a memo that outlines what you believe the main challenges of the role are and how you would handle them. Mention your awards, achievement of performance standards, upward career advancement, and professional certifications to show you are a high-level professional. Provide examples of how you blend with company culture. You just might be called in for an interview.

Yay: You Have an Employee Referral

If you know an employee who will refer you, then apply. Since referred candidates tend to have similar interests as the employee, blend with company culture, and remain loyal to the organization longer, they are hired more often than non-referrals. If you do not have a connection with the business, then create one. For instance, if the hiring manager is speaking at an upcoming event, then plan to participate and introduce yourself. Or, if the company founder was featured in a recent article, reach out with a comment or question. Cultivating relationships will give you an in with the organization.

Yay: You Can Demonstrate Motivation

If you can clearly show that you are motivated to excel in the role, then apply. Unlike technical skills, motivation cannot be taught. Highlighting a plan to gain the required skills through hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn increases your chances of being offered an interview. For instance, show that you are open to taking a class or engaging in on-the-job training. And, mention examples of how your flexibility and desire to learn benefitted previous employers and can add value to your next one. Or, offer to work for free on a temporary basis so that the hiring manager can see that you are an asset to the company and should be brought aboard full-time.

Nay: You Are New to the Workforce or Changing Careers

If you are just entering the workforce or switching careers, then do not apply. You lack the skills and experience necessary to fulfill the job responsibilities. Applying would be a waste of time for both you and the hiring manager.

Apply with a Leading Chicago Staffing Firm

Apply for work through Casey Finance and Accounting Resources, a leading Chicago employment agency!


Retaining the Right Talent

“How can I help you be successful?”  When the only differentiator in your organization typically is your talent, these words carry significant meaning when such a small percentage of the workforce feels inspired to do their jobs every day.  Many more feel coerced or actually fear the organization.

Finding out what inspires your employees, and connecting their roles within the organization to their purpose and motivation will help you retain your top talent.  Below is one of Gallup’s 12 question employee engagement questionnaires to help in taking the initial steps of determining employee engagement.

The Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Questionnaire

  1. Do you know what is expected of you at work?
  2. Do you have the materials and equipment to do your work right?
  3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
  4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?
  5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
  6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
  7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?
  8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?
  9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
  10. Do you have a best friend at work?
  11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
  12. In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow?


Gallup, Inc.

The 6 “R’s” in Recruiting!

Finding great candidates is every recruiter’s dream come true!   A great employee helps a company grow and be successful. Being aware of The 6 “R’s” in Recruiting will put you ahead of the rest of the organizations vying for the top candidates and victory will be yours!


What is being said about your organization on social media sites such as Glassdoor and Facebook?  When a Google search is done of your company, what reviews are showing up and how many stars appear? Managing your brand and responding to good and bad reviews will put you in a good light with candidates. Candidates want to see good reviews and positive experiences when applying to work at an organization.

Responsive Design Websites

Are your recruiting applications and communications available on a mobile platform?  Constantly using smartphones, candidates are looking for new opportunities.  Will they be able to find yours?  Post short videos about your jobs on YouTube and incorporate a link from Google Maps so candidates can find you.


Great referral programs bring in high-caliber candidates to your organization.  Need we say more!

Reduce your Hiring Time

Speed is important.  Candidates lose interest when the hiring process is dragged out.  Take a look at how long it takes to hire a candidate from start to finish and see where you can tighten your process.


Get it right and check their references.  Automated reference checking programs increase the response rate and accuracy of the reference checks.

Recruiting Firm

Working with a highly regarded staffing and recruiting firm can help significantly in finding great candidates quickly!  Let Casey Accounting & Finance Resources find top financial staff for you!


Recent Placements from Casey Accounting & Finance Resources

As a nationally accredited, best in class recruitment firm, our staff at Casey Accounting & FInance Resources is well networked in the Accounting & Finance community, tenured and industry certified. With our dedicated staff experienced in developing relationships, obtaining referrals, and sourcing candidates, we can locate top talent that you may not be able to find on your own. In addition to our outstanding recruiting practices, our team is committed to community service and philanthropy.

CASEY ACCOUNTING & FINANCE RESOURCES recent placements include the following:

Temporary Positions Filled:

  • A/P Supervisor
  • Sr. Financial Analyst
  • Payroll Manager
  • Sr. Accountant
  • Credit and Collections Clerk
  • Inventory Control Clerk
  • Payroll Administrator

Direct Hire Positions Filled:

  • Controller
  • Project Accountant
  • Plant Controller
  • A/P Specialist
  • Sr. Accountant
  • Payroll Specialist
  • Accounting Clerk

For more information on our recent placements:


Quiet Personality? Loud Workplace? Here’s How to Be Successful

If you’re an introvert by nature and prefer to work alone, finding the right fit in the modern workplace can be a challenge. People who are quiet, reserved, and introspective may seem like they don’t get along with others, but that is usually far from the truth. These types tend to thrive when they have their own space but can do well in a group setting with some self awareness and self confidence.

Use the following tips to be successful in the workplace if you are an introvert.

Be Prepared for Meetings

If the idea of being singled out in a meeting or having to give a presentation makes you nervous, make sure you’re prepared. Review documents and materials that will help you give an intelligent response if you do end up getting asked a question during the meeting. Ask for an agenda from the meeting organizer so you know what to expect. Being well prepared for meetings can make it easier for you to get through those few hours with minimal stress and anxiety.

Learn to De-Stress in Any Situation

Anxiety and tension can make your work days a little more stressful. If you have a hard time relaxing and staying focused at work, take the time to de-stress using natural methods and techniques. Take deep breaths before a meeting, make sure you get to work early so you aren’t getting anxious about being late to the office, and try and stay focused in the middle of workplace conflicts. If you work in a very loud work environment, use headphones or take breaks when things get stressful, so you don’t feel too stressed out all day long.

Be Confident in Your Abilities

Be confident in your strengths and continue to build your skill set, nurturing your talents and appreciating the unique qualities you bring to the table. People will see results no matter what your personality type may be — you don’t necessarily have to be the loudest or most visible person in the office to do a great job. Stay focused on what you do best, don’t feel threatened or intimidated by colleagues, and do what you can to contribute at your best level.

Get Connected

You don’t have to struggle all by yourself in an office setting. Build an alliance of people who have similar personality traits as you, so that you can spend time together and develop camaraderie with your co-workers. Share an encouraging word with other introverted co-workers and build trust. Make a sincere effort to get to know people and don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas. Your friend will be able to support you during meetings and may even put in a good word for you when you are looking for a promotion.

If you need help navigating the modern workplace or are looking for career opportunities in the accounting and finance field, talk to some of the top financial recruiters in Chicago by contacting Casey Accounting & Finance Resources today.


Has Your Company Prepared for the Upcoming Overtime Wage Changes?

Whether you are in charge of managing a small startup or a larger corporation, salaried workers and businesses will soon be subject to a change in laws of the Fair Labor Standards Act — the first change in 40 years. President Obama directed the Secretary of Labor to update overtime regulations so that workers who are working overtime are fairly compensated. The final rulings will go into effect on December 1, 2016, so your company needs to be prepared for the changes ahead. Here are some things you need to know about the upcoming overtime wage changes:

About the Overtime Wage Changes

The latest overtime updates are designed to extend protection to 4.2 million workers across the United States and the largest populations of these workers reside in California, Texas and Florida. Under these new rules, employees making less than $913 per week are now eligible to be paid overtime, wheras under the previous rules, employees making less than $455/week were eligible.

Employers are left to decide whether they want to increase the employee’s salaries above the new threshold or pay time-and-a-half for overtime work. All workers must not work more than 40 hours per week without adequate compensation and companies do have the option of modifying salaries and paying time-and-a-half for overtime.

Preparing for the Wage Changes

Employers still have a few months to prepare for the overtime wage changes which will effectually increase the number of workers at the company who are eligible for new protections. This means your company may need to review salary tables and job offers, restructure departments to accommodate for a new budget, and consider how they want to compensate workers who do end up working overtime.

One of the first things you can do is to classify all employees by salary and ensure that anybody making over the threshold is exempt from overtime pay if their primary job duties involve executive, administrative or professional duties as outlined in the final regulations from the Department of Labor.

Determining how many current employees at their current salary level would then be eligible for overtime protection will give you an idea of the potential changes in cost. Monitoring these employees’ hours and implementing measures of productivity can help to determine whether an employee’s position should be modified or salaries adjusted. You may realize that some accounting and finance roles will retire overtime — especially during tax season or other busier seasons — so the budgets will need to be adjusted accordingly.

If you need help with evaluating your staffing resources and exploring different types of positions in accounting and financing, get in touch with our award-winning team at Casey Accounting & Finance Resources for assistance. As a top financial recruiting firm in Chicago, we can help you prepare for any internal changes you need to meet the upcoming changes to the overtime threshold.
