Seasoned Veteran vs Young Talent: Who To Hire?

Companies across the country are faced with a dilemma on a daily basis; do they hire a seasoned veteran of the workforce or young talent just out of college for an accounting position? This can be a difficult question to answer, but we will discuss both options, so companies know how to go about their hiring process for open positions.

Hire the Seasoned Veteran

As we take a look at hiring veteran workers, one thing we need to keep in mind is the fact that this should not be gauged by birthdays. Instead, companies need to gauge a veteran worker by the years he has worked within the industry, the experiences they have amassed, the personal networks created, and the trials and errors solved throughout their career.

If your company wants to hire a veteran worker, it needs to take into account the wisdom and experiences that worker has accumulated during their career. The more wisdom and experience an employee has, the more effective or helpful he/she will be to the company hiring him/her.

Hire the Young Talent

Companies that hire young talent will be rewarded with fresh ideas and new perspectives to complete projects assigned to them. Young talent right out of college, or with very little time in the workforce, will be more inclined to take risks with projects in order to see their company succeed.

Hiring young talent often means that they likely will not finish their career with your company. Gone are the days of employees working for one company their entire career. This means that within two to five years, you will need to replace the young talent as they move to other ventures.

The bottom line here is that you need to look at both veteran workers and young talent when positions become available at your company. Reach out to Casey Accounting & Resources in Chicago IL and hire a suitable temporary employee to try before you commit to any one employee. This gives you a chance to see what they are all about while they prove their worth to your organization.