6 Tips to Prevent Yourself from Being Burned Out

Career burnouts can be caused by multiple triggers. A heavy workload, lack of control and an adverse work environment may be factors in feeling burned out. Rather than letting them overwhelm you, take action to maintain your work-life balance.

1. Learn to Say No

Do you say “no” to requests that do not fit your job description or schedule? You cannot spend your time responding to others’ needs while not filling your own. Avoid taking on tasks that you need to stay late for or that are not part of your work responsibilities. Take on tasks that interest you and can be adequately planned for during the workday.

2.Compare Your Regular Tasks and Job Description

Are you taking on more work than you should be? Make a list of your regular tasks, then compare it to your job description. If you discover you are taking on responsibilities beyond what you should be assigned, bring the discrepancy to your manager’s attention. You may be able to shift some of your workload to colleagues and free up time for other tasks.

3. Cultivate Workplace Relationships

Are you developing friendships with co-workers? Sharing thoughts and experiences makes people feel validated and supported. You can discuss positive events in your life, ask for help during challenging times, and return the favor as needed. Surrounding yourself with positive people will keep you focused, energized and progressing in your career.

4. Take Time Off

Do you frequently take time off? Even if you cannot spend two weeks on vacation, you could plan a long weekend for rest and rejuvenation. Regularly taking three- and four-day weekends is more effective than taking several weeks off a few times a year. To further reduce your feeling of burnout, limit your use of digital devices after work hours. When you get home, either put your smartphone away or turn it off so you do not check email or text messages. Whatever needs doing can wait until tomorrow.

5. Change Work Area

Can you change the area where you perform your work? Perhaps you can move your desk to another part of your office or work in another department. You could talk with your manager about working remotely one day per week. Changing your scenery can stimulate your mind and encourage you to continue performing your tasks.

6. Meditate

Have you tried mediation? The centuries-old practice has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of burnout. Meditation develops an awareness of present-moment experience with a compassionate, non-judgmental approach and can improve your focus. Typically, meditating for as little as 10 minutes a day can rewire your brain to relax and be more productive.

Change Your Accounting or Finance Role

When it comes time to change your accounting or finance role, reach out to Casey Accounting and Finance Resources, a leading staffing agency in Chicago!




How Will TED Talks Help Your Career in 2017?

If you want to improve your career prospects in 2017 or simply invest in your career this upcoming year, don’t overlook the value of watching TED talks. TED speakers come from all walks of life to share unique perspectives and insights about their industry, life, spirituality and everything in between. Whether you need some motivation to get your career on track or want to develop some leadership skills, tune in to a few TED talks to boost your career opportunities this year.

Finding Work You Love

If you’re still trying to find your dream job or figure out what career path you want to explore in the upcoming years, maybe it’s time to rediscover your passion. If your job has become a source of misery and you’re trying to find meaningful work, watch this TED talk by Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love.

Getting Back Into the Workforce

If you’ve decided to return to the workforce after a few years of being a stay-at-home parent, traveling or any other reason, you’ll need to develop some skills to re-enter the workforce and secure your ideal job. In some cases, an internship may be a necessary step towards career success — especially if you’ve been out of work for some time. You’ll want to watch Carol Cohen’s TED talk: How to get back to work after a career break for some tips.

Feeling Good About Your Work

Are you satisfied with your job or role? Do you wish you had more motivation and desire to work harder? If you’ve been wondering how to find meaning in your work or are just curious about how we find a sense of purpose in our work, tune in to this TED talk by behavioral economist Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?.

The new year is the perfect time to take stock of your career, map out some goals and determine where you want to go next. If you need help finding your dream job, consider working with an award-winning accounting recruiter. Casey Accounting & Finance Resources can help you get your career back on track.


What Can You Do to Incorporate Contract Workers into Your Corporate Culture?

Hiring contractors is a great way to fill open positions quickly and secure some high-quality employees for various projects. However, contract workers are often faced with the challenge of getting settled into an organization that also has many full-time workers. Since contract workers may only be with the company for few months or a year, they may not feel like they are part of the team and full-time workers may treat them differently.

Use the following tips to incorporate contract workers into your corporate culture.

Make an Effort to Make Workers Feel Welcome

Take the time to meet contractors on the first day to learn more about them. Introduce them to the team and take them out to lunch. You want to treat your workers like they are employees so they can get settled in quickly. Encourage some casual conversation to ease the anxiety some contractors may feel during their first few days. Announce the new contractors before they arrive so employees are aware who they will be working with in the near future.

Introduce Contractors in Person

Even if many of your contractors work remotely or offsite, it’s important that you introduce contractors in person. A face-to-face meeting or introduction can help get workers acclimated with each other and encourage workers to develop a good working relationship.

Outline Responsibilities

The induction process needs to help contractors understand their role in full, and also the responsibilities of their colleagues and team. Take the time to outline these responsibilities or host a meeting so the new recruits are well aware of their job duties.

Encourage an Atmosphere of Collaboration

You want your contractors to be able to contribute value even though they are only with you in the short term. Make sure they are equipped with the tools they need to get the job done and have access to resources and employee contacts who they may be collaborating with on various projects.

Encouraging contract workers to be a part of the organization will involve extra effort to make your workers feel welcome, and outlining responsibilities so everybody understands their role. If you need help finding high-quality financial candidates for contract positions, consider working with an award-winning financial staffing agency and contact Casey Accounting & Finance Resources.


What Does the Financial Recruiter Want to See on Your Resume?

When you’re applying for accounting and finance jobs in the area, you’ll need to make sure you highlight all of your skills and certifications clearly in your resume. Many financial recruiters review resumes in great detail and even use programs to find certain keywords and phrases. If you aren’t including these words in your resume and making a strong case about your experience, you may get overlooked.

Here are three factors a financial recruiter wants to see on your resume.

Tech Skills

Many accountants, financial analysts and other financial professionals use the latest software programs and computer systems to manage data. You need to be up-to-date on the latest software programs and earn any relevant certifications. Consider taking online courses to catch up if you have been out of the workforce for a while. Make sure to list your tech skills and skill levels so the employer has an accurate idea of your exact capabilities.

Soft Skills

Many people don’t think accounting and finance jobs require many soft skills since the bulk of time spent at the office will be in front of a computer and managing data. However, today’s most successful accounting and finance professionals have good interpersonal skills and solid knowledge about the business world. Make sure you’re listing examples of leadership skills, a customer service background, and your ability to solve problems or stay organized under pressure.


Any certifications, diplomas or other awards need to be listed on your resume. Make sure to highlight any notable events surrounding these awards, such as a company president’s award, so that you stand out from the crowd.

Making sure a recruiter sees examples of skills and certifications on your resume is a priority, but you also need to make sure you’re including any specific details about how your skills made an impact on the organization. If you have any data or statistics former companies have shared with you about a project you worked on where you were able to apply yourself, make sure to disclose that on your resume or cover letter.

Need help with your job search? Consider working with one of the top accounting and finance staffing agencies and contact Casey Accounting & Finance Resources. This award-winning team of financial recruiters has your dream job waiting.


Why Blind Interviewing Helps Your Organization

When you’re looking for the ideal candidate for your organization, you may be able to find the most suitable match with a blind interview. Many organizations are using this approach to have job seekers audition for a job without knowing anything about the individual’s educational background, age, gender or other factors. The test is to see how well the individual can perform at the job and whether they have the level of talent the interviewer is looking for. Here are some ways blind interviewing can help your organization:

Helps With Diversity

In fields that tend to not be so diverse, blind interviewing can help to create a more diverse work environment. You may end up hiring people of a variety of ethnicities, age groups and genders who are extremely talented and get along well with each other because of it.

Eliminates Bias

Many people don’t realize they have a psychological bias when they are looking at names on a resume or schools that a potential candidate has attended. You may be guilty of this without knowing it; blind interviewing eliminates the possibility you are making a biased decision.

Gauge Phone Skills Easily

Since you may not be conducting a face-to-face interview with these candidates, the phone interview will reveal whether the individual has good verbal skills and can speak confidently over the phone.

Gauge Written Skills

If the job involves writing or even composing persuasive emails, you will be able to gauge the candidates writing and communication skills with a writing test or upon requesting a short essay. This can be helpful for determining whether the candidate has a strong enough skill set to manage writing assignments on the job and whether they can convey their ideas effectively.

If you are searching for highly qualified candidates, reach out to a leading Chicago finance recruiter and contact Casey Accounting & Finance Resources. We can provide job placement services to make the hiring process that much easier.



4 Skills Every Candidate Needs in Every Industry

If you’re putting yourself out there on the job hunt and want to secure a position sooner rather than later, make sure your prospective employer can identify some key skills and attributes that will make you the perfect candidate for the position. Whether you’re exploring an accounting career or working in finance, your future employer needs someone who is not only a hard worker but also has certain traits that will help them succeed with the company for the long term.

Here are four skills every candidate needs in every industry:

1. Communication

Even though your role may be fairly independent, you may be required to work with other departments, lead a team and collaborate with other staff members on certain projects. Having strong written, verbal and listening skills is critical for your success in any position. You need to be able to relay information concisely and respond to other people’s communications effectively.

2. Empathy and Emotional Awareness

Being able to understand your own emotions, and being aware of the emotions of others is a skill that can be developed. Some people have more emotional awareness than others, and this trait is important in both work and social situations. Being able to relate to someone and looking at their point of view can make it easier to get along.

3. Accountability

Being accountable for your actions is critical in a workplace environment. You need to admit fault and work on finding an effective remedy. Knowing what you are accountable for and who you are accountable to is important in any position. If you are in a management position, you need to enforce accountability among your team members.

4. Teamwork

Working as a team means always contributing your fair share and also making sure you are not taking all the credit for a job well done. Do your best work and bring others up so they can do the same at every opportunity.

When you’re searching for accounting jobs or need some help to take your career to the next level, talk to the professionals at a leading Chicago accounting recruiting firm. Casey Accounting & Finance Resources provides career tools, including assessments and professional resume reviews, to help you find your ideal job. Contact us today!
