Are Your Job Descriptions Attracting the Right Accounting Talent? Let’s Review.

When was the last time you looked over your job descriptions? The best ones combine required skills and experience, company culture and other pertinent details. Ask yourself whether you have the right combination of the following elements to attract the right accounting talent.

Is the Job Title Clear?

Although unique titles such as “Financial Guru” may indicate a laid-back culture, they probably will not attract the type of professionals you are looking for. Because most candidates search for roles that match their skills and experience, using terms such as “guru” may cause your description to not show up or turn off candidates from applying. Instead, use industry-standard language that candidates search under to achieve more favorable results.

What Are the Duties?

You can determine the top five to seven requirements by interviewing employees and their supervisors, observing employees as they perform their work or referencing outside sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook. Make sure you focus on how those requirements promote growth and development within the company and how an employee’s achievements can contribute to career progression.

What Are the Relevant Details?

Be sure you mention whether the position is exempt or nonexempt, how much travel is required, what the work environment is like, and whether the employee may telecommute. Candidates need enough information to determine whether they may excel in a role and want to apply.

Did You Mention Company Culture?

Candidates need to know whether they agree with your mission, values and beliefs and will enjoy working for your organization. For instance, along with mentioning benefits, perks, and bonuses, share whether you have an on-site gym, free food, flexible schedules, remote work opportunities or other unique offerings. When possible, include photos, graphics, videos or other multimedia that shows a diverse range of employees in your company.

Did an Employee Review the Job Description?

The employee can clarify the duties and responsibilities. The supervisor can ensure the description contains accurate information about the skills and qualifications.

When Was the Job Description Reviewed?

Read the description over annually to accurately describe the job as it is being performed. Duties and responsibilities may change, along with the skills and experience required to fulfill them. The best time to update a job description is when requirements change.

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5 Influential Technologies Affecting Recruiting This Year

Like most industries, recruiting is constantly changing. As new technology is introduced, the field continues to become more efficient and effective. Watch for these five influential technologies affecting recruiting in 2019.

1. Marketplaces

Marketplaces serve as a platform for employers to connect with recruiters. Due to reduced administrative requirements, vendor management and competitive placement fees, marketplaces are cost-effective. Also, having a centralized platform increases recruiter productivity and reach. Since marketplaces collect and store information on candidates’ resumes, skills, websites, LinkedIn profiles and more, hiring is more transparent and efficient. Plus, recruiters see candidates’ goals and learn more about them and what they want in their next role, which facilitates conversation and aids in proper placement.

2. Gig Economy

Recruiters face an even greater need to adopt new mobile and socially integrated communication technologies and platforms, such as Skype interviews or virtual reality video conferencing, to attract and place gig workers. Also, more HR technologies focused on worker onboarding, engagement, learning and career planning will develop.

3. Social Recruitment

Social recruitment involves clearly defined objectives and a target audience to determine which platforms are most effective in sharing a company’s job openings. For instance, visual platforms like Instagram are more suited for graphic designers and other creatives, whereas Twitter is more populated by IT and tech professionals. Also, social recruitment lets a company leverage social data to determine a candidate’s fit. For instance, Google Alerts and Radian6 let employers monitor candidates to see whether they fit with an opportunity. Additionally, many professionals engage on sites that fill both social and professional needs. For instance, Dribble is a community for designers, whereas GitHub is a platform for software developers.

4. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data to make predictions about the future. For instance, predictive analytics can consider industry, location, occupation and other elements to provide customized recommendations and get better responses to job postings. Also, predictive analytics can automate resume ranking, and shortlist and prescreen candidates, which increases the quality and diversity of new hires.

5. Artificial Intelligence

AI software programs and tools lower costs, reduce inherent biases and improve the quality of hires. Recruiters have more time to invest in fostering relationships with talent. For instance, chatbots can speed up the hiring process and enhance the candidate experience by assessing a candidate’s resume, online presence and fit with the role. Also, AI recruiting video interview platforms can evaluate the quality of a candidate’s voice, voice energy, pace of speech, use of fillers, answers, facial micro-expressions and body language. Plus, AI can determine whether a remote worker will be honest and ethical and appropriately represent the company if hired.

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5 Accounting Workforce Trends We’ll See in 2019

With the ongoing evolution in technology, the accounting industry will continue to change as well. Accountants will complete their work even more efficiently and effectively, adding additional value to their clients and employer. Here are five accounting workforce trends to look for in 2019.

Cloud Accounting

Using software and services stored on a network of remote servers strengthens security, allows for remote work, and improves disaster recovery. It also increases quality control and reduces costs. For instance, because cloud-based software can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, accountants have the real-time data they need to make educated business decisions. Also, since the data is stored in the cloud, there is no downtime in case of a natural disaster.


Because accountants deal with confidential financial information, they need to protect clients’ privacy. As malware, phishing and other criminal attacks continue to increase in intensity, so must security plans to block them. For instance, accountants will implement greater security protocols, receive more detailed training on security measures, and use more advanced security systems that anticipate risks.


Machine-driven algorithms will accomplish simple, routine work such as invoicing, processing payroll and tracking inventory more efficiently and effectively than humans. Automation also will increase accuracy and lower costs while freeing up time for humans to accomplish more complex activities. Accountants can leverage information, predict interactions, generate insights and provide a more valuable impact for their clients.


Blockchain technology will provide a continuously updated and verified accounting ledger that cannot be altered or corrupted. The technology will allow accountants to share and access data to more efficiently complete their work. For instance, Big Four accounting firms will continue to use blockchain research for accepting Bitcoin as a payment method, identify new applications and use cases for blockchain, and explore initial coin offerings that are similar to initial public offerings (IPOs) but use a cryptocurrency instead of a stock.

New Payment Structures

Cost-plus pricing will allow firms to charge the cost of performing a service plus a markup or profit margin. Fixed pricing will involve charging a fixed cost for a specific service. Value billing will consist of the firm charging for its perceived value of a service after the work has been finished. Value pricing will involve the firm charging for the client’s perceived value of a service. The price will be set before starting the work.

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Building on the Power of Your Team’s Strengths

Focusing on your team’s strengths provides many benefits. For instance, your team members become more engaged, productive, and loyal to your organization. Therefore, you want to determine which areas each member excels in and help to develop them.

Categorize Essential Strengths

Determine which strengths are most essential for your team. General strengths may include strategy and planning, leadership, cultural alignment or execution. Then, figure out ways to measure those strengths. You want to know which team member is strongest in each area so they can be assigned corresponding roles for collaborative projects. Because your teammates will be great at what they are naturally drawn to, they will excel in related roles. Your team also will feel empowered because you accept the fact that each is stronger in some areas than others and prefers to work in the areas they enjoy most.

Determine Each Team Member’s Strengths

Begin by discussing what you see as their core competencies. Then, figure out how those competencies can be applied to specific projects. Next, show how those competencies align with the responsibilities and expectations of the project’s role. Finally, focus on the big picture by creating business goals in line with your team members core competencies. Your teammates are more likely to embrace and reach goals that align with their strengths and interests.

Share Each Member’s Strengths

Talk about how each person’s talents can be used to enhance collaboration and complete projects. Mention how your teammates can capitalize on each other’s talents to maximize efficiency and achieve desired results. Encourage them to support each other in developing their strengths.

Offer Additional Strength Training

Seminars, conferences, classes or other training opportunities may be offered in the office or at remote locations. Map out ways that strength training can assist with promotions and attaining career goals. Find out whether there are additional strengths your team members want to develop and act accordingly. Discuss progress during performance conversations and reviews.

Strengthen Your Team With Casey Accounting & Finance Resources

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Why Remote Options Can Boost Your Employee Morale

Remote work options may be one key to boosting your employee morale. Having more control over one’s work schedule and location increases work satisfaction, engagement and productivity. Engaged, productive employees are happy employees, which leads to greater morale.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Because employees avoid the commute, they experience lower stress levels and less work exhaustion. This results in a higher positive attitude, lower absenteeism and greater employee retention. Also, as baby boomers head into retirement, they want remote work options to complement their desired preretirement lifestyle. Generation X may be done raising their kids and want to be in the workforce but still want to spend time with their families. Millennials may be looking for life experiences that broaden their horizons and expand their networks. Plus, Generation Z may desire remote work options to refine their career growth.

Stronger Manager and Employee Relationships

Because management is even more critical when working remotely, managers need to be proactive leaders who are intentional in their style. They need to create standards and expectations for remote collaboration and model successful behaviors for remote work to be successful. With increased methods of communication and virtual connections, managers and employees can virtually connect face-to-face, through email or instant messaging, or over the phone when needed, resulting in greater connections.

Better Health

Since stress and burnout are lower, employees feel physically and emotionally healthy. Also, work flexibility stimulates the brain, leading to happier, more creative employees. It also builds relationships among different generations of workers, which increases feelings of happiness and well-being, improves communication and reduces conflicts. Additionally, remote work options allow for more sleep, so employees feel refreshed and productive the next day. Plus, employees who are ill may be able to complete their work without infecting co-workers.

Greater Work-Life Balance

Working from home allows employees to take care of personal responsibilities while still completing their tasks. They can tend to family needs, run errands, exercise and engage in other interests while fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Employees can also attend meetings through video conferencing and ask questions through instant messaging tools, ensuring they fulfill their duties while working remotely.

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4 Ways to Understand Introverted Candidates

Introverts are natural leaders. Their persistence, diligence, and focus on work let them stand out from the competition. Because you want to hire introverts due to the benefits they provide, you need to understand them to better communicate and decide whether they fit with a role.

1. Learn About Introverts

Learn all you can about introverts. For instance, they dislike small talk. Although it is designed to put candidates at ease, small talk may cause additional stress for introverts. Also, introverts do not like talking about themselves. Their lack of self-promotion may come off as a lack of enthusiasm for the job, when just the opposite is true. Additionally, introverts may take longer to answer questions. They enjoy taking time to reflect before speaking, and may appear less confident with their answers than other candidates.

2. Adjust the Interview Process

Adjust the interview process to accommodate introverts. For instance, send the candidate interview questions in advance. They will value the time to process the information before responding. Also, ask for written responses to some questions, while saving verbal responses for the interview. Introverts typically prefer written communication over oral because they can better express their personality. Additionally, ask the candidate to research a topic and create a short presentation on it. Introverts enjoy organizing and meaningfully presenting their thoughts on a subject more than talking about themselves.

3. Customize Recruiting Tools

Customize your recruiting tools. For instance, because introverts tend to be more stressed about a phone interview than other candidates, consider screening candidates through text message. Introverts may be more at ease because they have additional time to articulate their answers and let their accomplishments speak for themselves. Introverts will appreciate not having to engage in small talk and can focus on their skills and experience, instead. They will not be focused on details such as their clothing choices, where the interview is being held, and who they are talking with, freeing them to focus on the questions being asked. Introverts will not have to repeat themselves, which they dislike doing, because their answers will be typed and can be looked at again to avoid redundant questions or answers.

4. Check References Early

Check references early in the recruiting process. They will help you to determine how an introverted candidate works, what they excel at, and whether they prefer to work independently or collaboratively. Talking with references upfront will provide additional insight into what motivates the candidate and how to conduct a more effective interview.

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Does Your Company Culture Say What You Want About Your Company? Time to Evaluate.

Company culture impacts employee engagement, retention rates, profitability and more. Culture also helps determine whether a job candidate will be a good fit with your organization. Learning to identify and describe your company culture will help you decide whether it needs modification and how to implement change.

Identify Your Company Culture

Begin by identifying your company culture. For instance, ask your employees to rate your culture through small-group interviews. Ask questions such as, “What would you tell a friend about your organization if they were about to start working here?”, “What is the one thing you would most like to change about this organization?”, or “Who is especially respected around here and why?” Also, ask your employees to complete surveys. You may purchase surveys with questions that have been proven reliable and validated or create your own. The results will guide you on what to do more or less of and what to stop or start doing. Further, objectively watch your employees interact. How do they engage and resolve conflicts? How do senior leaders interact with middle managers and employees? How do middle managers interact with employees? And, watch your employees’ emotions to determine their values. Are your employees engaged, interactive, excited, happy and friendly at work?

Describe Your Type of Culture 

You may find that your culture is best described as hierarchy, market, or adhocracy. In a hierarchy, the culture is a traditional top-down organization with several layers of management between leadership and employees. Employees at all levels have clear lines of decision making, authority, rules, procedures, and accountability that typically lead to streamlined production. In a market culture, the focus is on the company’s external environment over internal environment. For example, every position may be directly tied to customer support or profitability. In an adhocracy, culture is defined by assumptions that innovative initiatives lead to success. The focus is on developing new products/services. The culture emphasizes individuality, risk taking, and wearing multiple hats.

Modify Your Company Culture

See how your culture fits with the culture you want and modify accordingly. For instance, to create a hierarchy culture, hire more project managers and managers to implement processes and procedures for employees to follow. To create a market culture, consider adding financial incentives tied to customer satisfaction, consistency, product development or profitability. To create an adhocracy, adopt values of creativity and entrepreneurship.

Find Top Professionals With a Leader in Chicago Employment 

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Are You Taking Too Long to Contact Potential Candidates? Are They Losing Interest?

If you have a slow hiring process, top candidates most likely will lose interest in working for you. Candidates who move fast want to work in a fast-paced culture where quick decisions are made. Keeping job vacancies harms production, revenue, and employee morale. As a result, you want to speed up your hiring process to bring aboard the most in-demand talent.

Common Reasons for Delayed Hiring

Your hiring process may be delayed for various reasons. For instance, there may be more job openings than candidates to fill them, especially when labor markets tighten. Or, candidates’ resumes may remain untouched in a hiring manager’s inbox. Additionally, hiring managers may be unclear on what they need in a candidate until they see it.

Why Delayed Hiring Hurts Your Business

Delayed hiring hurts your business for multiple reasons. For instance, you will lose the majority of top candidates in the late stages of your recruitment process because they typically will have multiple offers and will be more inclined to accept one. You will have to hire a lower-quality candidate at a potentially higher salary to fill the role. Also, the longer you keep a role vacant, the more productivity and revenue you lose. Further, a company image of being slow at making hiring decisions implies that making other business decisions will be slow, as well. Strong contributors will not want to work for your company.

Steps to Speed Up the Hiring Process

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to speed up the hiring process. For instance, benchmark your hiring efficiency according to where your jobs are located, your company’s size, level of the position, the measure of local talent supply and demand, and other pertinent variables. Because some roles will be harder than others, put time-to-fill in the right context. If a more-thorough hiring process for a specific role will result in a higher-quality hire, accept the longer timeframe. Also, engage in workforce planning. Allocate recruiting resources in line with your business needs so that hiring managers can see where and when demand will be greatest, and plan accordingly. Additionally, keep your pipeline active so you have available candidates when a position opens. Use candidate relationship management (CRM) tools to keep track of interested candidates. Further, keep your scheduled interview times as much as possible. Set a plan for interview guides, assessment criteria, and how feedback gets submitted to whom. More structure leads to a better candidate experience and better hire.

Find Qualified Candidates Through a Chicago Staffing Leader

Find qualified candidates through Casey Finance & Accounting, staffing leader in the Chicago area!


Generation Z – Are You Ready?!

Who Are They

Generation Z is now entering the workforce with the oldest of the group (born in 1996) just starting to graduate college. Gen Z is the most diverse group of any generation in the U.S. — 55% are Caucasian, 24% are Hispanic, 14% are African-American and 4% are Asian.

What They Believe In

Gen Z wants to be respected, appreciated, have organizations that support their growth and to have a clear understanding outlining the plan for their career. With strong technical skills and creativity, their focus is on jobs that are less automatable. Gen Z believes in fairness and equality for all genders, races, and orientation. They care about: 1) having impact, 2) workplace cultural values, and 3) growth opportunities. Gen Zers are entrepreneurship minded, will learn new skills on their own, but appreciates interpersonal communication mentorship.

Attracting Gen Z

  • 83% welcome you to connect with them before graduation to build a relationship.
  • Hire base on ability, not pedigree
  • Have a job landing page with video
  • Use an engaging application form
  • Have a 1 click apply – expects ease in applying for positions
  • Important to look at time to hire and reduce this
  • Have an authentic website using live photos and videos (not stock photos) of your team showing how your company is making a difference.
  • Make your application like a video game.
  • Show how your employees can achieve THEIR goals at your company
  • 8-second filter: Connect with Gen Z with images and videos versus a long LinkedIn InMail
  • Offer Micro-Internships

Where to find Gen Z talent online

Generation Z are digital natives and have been using the internet for 15 years. They put their stories out on Snapchat and Instagram, and are brand managers from an early age.

Digital Marketing

  • Handshake
  • HackerRank
  • Have an online presence on social media using online videos.
  • Top 8 social media sites from 2017 where Generation Z spends their time:

Facebook – 90%

YouTube – 71%

Snapchat – 71%

Instagram – 69%

LinkedIn – 49% (this number is decreasing)

Twitter 41%

Pinterest – 37%

Google – 27%

Generation Z is open-minded and adaptable. They are a generation of highly-educated, technologically-savvy, innovative thinkers. They look for solutions on their own. They set out to make things on their own.

Simple Employee Incentive Ideas for The Summer Months

Summer months at the office can be challenging. Most employees are either on vacation or thinking about what outdoor activities they wish they were participating in. Because motivation and productivity are important, you need to provide additional incentives for employees to stay focused and complete their projects.

1. Work Outdoors

Allow employees to work and hold meetings outside. Being in natural light improves communication, reduces stress, and lowers blood pressure. Plus, enjoying fresh air and sunshine increases productivity and employee morale.

2. Offer a Flexible Schedule

Give flexibility in work hours. Perhaps your employees can come in late or work remotely one day each week or work a half day on Fridays. Having greater control over their work schedule means employees have more time to enjoy the outdoors.

3. Implement Casual Dress Day

Offer Casual Dress Day on Fridays. Let employees wear t-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops to the office. You may even suggest themed dress days, such as Hawaiian Day, to add to the fun. Your employees will feel more relaxed and complete more tasks.

4. Set Up a Company Event

Set up an outdoor company event. You might arrange a barbeque, golf outing, theme park visit, or baseball game. Perhaps you could host Summer Friday gatherings where employees can mingle and recharge. Maybe host a company party at the office or a manager’s home. In any case, your employees will appreciate the camaraderie and be more motivated to return to work on Monday.

5. Provide Additional Recognition

Give extra recognition to employees who cover for colleagues away from the office. For instance, give the employee a hand-written thank-you note expressing your appreciation for temporarily taking over. Or, have a conversation to express thanks for going above and beyond to help out. Or provide the employee with a gift card to their favorite restaurant to further show your gratitude. Enter those employees in a drawing to win an additional paid day off or tickets to a summer concert, movie, or sporting event.

6. Reward Perfect Attendance

Give rewards for each summer month that an employee has perfect attendance. You may set a price point and offer a gift card to the restaurant, store, or other destination of the employee’s choice. They will be more inclined to show up for work each day and perform their best.

7. Arrange a Company Team for a Charity Event

Organize a company team to participate in a local charity event. There are a variety of walk/runs in major cities every summer. In addition to being a proud corporate sponsor, your employees may be given a day off to help set up and/or run or participate in the event. You build the cohesiveness of your team while supporting the local community.

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When you need to find summer staff, reach out to Casey Accounting & Finance Resources, a top employment agency in Chicago!
