The LinkedIn Strategy That Helps Your Job Search in 2018

Although you probably use LinkedIn to stay in touch with friends and colleagues, you are missing out by not using it to find your next job. Learning to properly connect with influential leaders in your industry may help you land your next position.

Cultivate Relationships

Comment on posts you find especially engaging. Share insightful content that may be of interest to others. Participate in LinkedIn Group discussions. Notice the individuals you commonly interact with. Determine their job titles and whether they may be able to help with your job search. Ask individuals to connect with you through LinkedIn. Start sharing resources such as articles and case studies that may be of interest to them. Send a short message acknowledging birthdays, work anniversaries, new jobs and other special occasions. When you see articles about a connection’s company or content the person wrote, like, comment on and share the information. Provide endorsements for your connections’ skills. If someone endorses your skills, send a quick message of thanks.

Send an InMail

Research the individual, the company they work for and their role. Find out the person’s interests and commonalities you share. Explain why you want to connect and what benefit the individual may receive. Include a personal interest you both share to make a memorable connection. Let the person know you would like to speak to them about a specific topic, such as a post they wrote or an article involving their company. Ensure your message is clear and concise.

Follow Up

Find the person’s email address and ask to set up a time to talk about their job and the company they work for. Mention you are looking for a job and are very interested in learning more about the employer. If your contact is not in a position to hire you, ask whether they will connect you with the hiring manager. After being introduced, mention to the hiring manager your top skills and experience and how you can benefit the company. Have your LinkedIn profile or resume available when you ask about potential job openings. Be ready to answer questions about your work or to schedule an interview.

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Work with Casey Accounting & Finance Resources for help finding top accounting and finance professionals! Our team of award-winning financial recruiters in Chicago is ready to help your career grow.


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