What Does Your Financial Talent Brand Say About You?

Your talent brand consists of what your employees think, feel and share about working for your company. Because your talent brand significantly impacts your recruitment results, you need to ensure your talent brand portrays the appropriate messages about working for your organization. As a financial services company, here are four benefits of determining what your financial talent brand says about you.

Control Company Reputation

Manage your talent brand by controlling your company’s reputation as much as possible. Monitor what’s being said about your organization on Glassdoor, CareerBliss and other review sites. Set up alerts so you can stay on top of newly posted reviews. In addition, watch your ratings on salary and advancement to see if they need attention. Furthermore, encourage happy employees to share their experiences. Plus, respond to negative reviews with positive comments.

Engage Passive Candidates

Because these highly skilled workers comprise the majority of the workforce and enjoy maximizing company contributions, you need to position your company as a rewarding place to work. Since candidates use Glassdoor to learn more about roles, salaries, culture and reviews, you need to actively add photos, videos, summaries and other branding tools to portray a positive image, monitor what’s being said about your company and positively respond to negative reviews. You can also use Google Analytics to attract passive candidates. Ensure you monitor what your most effective inbound recruiting channels are, such as social media, email or organic searches; which pages candidates enter on and leave from; how much time is spent on a page and on your entire site; and what your bounce rate is to determine ways you can improve.

Generate Employee Referrals

What employees say about their company has significantly more impact on job candidates than what employers say about working for their company.  Happy employees can tell their families, friends and colleagues about what makes your company great; share your latest company news, reports and open roles; and encourage others to work for you. Also, because top performers typically associate with other top performers, you have an excellent candidate pool to draw from. Furthermore, you’ll gain additional insight into candidates’ background and reasons why they’re an excellent fit for a position. Referrals typically report greater job satisfaction and remain loyal to your company longer because they received detailed information about the role and your organization before being hired.

Retain Talent

Ensure the financial increases, benefits, perks and advancement opportunities guaranteed during recruitment are continually fulfilled. Also, encourage employee input in all areas, including how to more effectively manage their department, streamline business operations and move the company forward.

Work With a Top Financial Recruiter

For assistance with finding top accounting and finance professionals, contact Casey Accounting and Finance Resources and work with an award-winning financial recruiter in Chicago.


Does the Job Search Now Include Texting and Snapchat?

Today’s job search is unlike any other. Candidates now use Snapchat and texting to find their new role. Therefore, it’s important you understand the appropriate use of these methods to maximize your results. Follow these guidelines for using Snapchat and texting in your job search.

Build Your Snapchat Stream

Determine which companies you want to work for and add them to your Snapchat stream. Visit Snapchat’s Discover section to choose which companies you want to follow. You can study their articles, videos and photos to learn more about the organization to see whether you’re a good cultural fit. You can also initiate or join conversations with employees about what it’s like to work for the company and why you’d be an excellent addition to the team.

Find Potential Employers

Watch the content they’re posting and how they engage with their followers. In your cover letter and interview, incorporate some examples of what you saw on Snapchat to show you’re experienced with social media and are impressed with how the company presents its products/services.

Provide Information on Your Background

Balance fun and professionalism in your Snapchat account by posting both playful and professional content. Showcase the skills and experience you want employers to see so they consider letting you join their team. Also, post pictures on Snapchat to go along with emailing your cover letter and resume to the company.

View Job Postings and Events

Employers may post a photo of a future employee’s office or a short video from the manager encouraging candidates to apply for an opening. Companies may offer recruitment events to let you interact with employees, gain further insight into the organization and apply for positions.

Be Professional When Texting Recruiters

Although texting is typically casual, keep it formal when communicating with a recruiter. Avoid texting a recruiter to initiate contact or follow up after an interview. A phone call or email is more appropriate. Ask the recruiter if they want to be texted. Some prefer other forms of communication. Spell out words rather than using abbreviations or acronyms. Furthermore, avoid using emoticons as they’re inappropriate for professional communication. Plus, ensure your text signature at the bottom of each message is appropriate for work.

Appropriately Respond to Recruiters’ Texts

Reply to text messages as soon as possible to move forward with the hiring process. Provide all information the recruiter requests so they can continue placing you with candidates. In addition, check your spelling and grammar to ensure they’re error-free.

Work With a Top Financial Recruiter in Chicago

For assistance with securing an accounting or finance position, get in touch with Casey Accounting and Finance Resources to work with a leading financial recruiter in Chicago!


Celebrating 20 Years!

We are excited to be celebrating the 20th anniversary with our sister company, Arlington Resources, this month!

With this upcoming celebration, we look at the role of flexible staffing in the work force and where it is today. The temp penetration rate — temp jobs as a percent of total employment — rose to 2.069% in July 2017.  “The temporary penetration rate continues to increase at a solid pace, even at record levels, giving more evidence of a secular shift,” said Tony Gregoire, Director of Research, The Americas, at Staffing Industry Analysts.

As more workers in America look for alternative work arranges and additional opportunities to supplement their incomes, temporary and contract staffing services can fulfill their needs. With nearly thirty-one percent of workers within the United States currently employed as contingent workers, companies are granted access to a more diverse, and affordable, group of employees. Thus this rise of the role of temp jobs in today’s workforce can lead to a competitive edge for companies throughout America.

We look forward to helping you with your recruiting and staffing needs!
